Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tips for new year career planning

As you settle back into work for the new year, it is a good time to take stock on your career direction. By mentally preparing yourself for the right opportunities you will be better able to identify those opportunities, and to take them. Here are some simple steps in career planning.

1. Consider good moments in your career
Who was there to share those moments to to help make them happen? Send them new year greetings. Invite them to have a coffee to catch up. Talk to them about the career highlight you share, ask them to relive it from their perspective.

2. How can you plan to have more good career moments?
Think about what was enjoyable about these times. Find adjectives to describe the key feelings and cognitive processes involved. Recall what happened, the steps involved. What did you do to make it happen? What skills or experiences did you use? Did these career moments rely on a particular environment? How could you make similar situations happen again? What skills or experiences may you need to acquire? 

3. What are your obstacles to achieving more of these great moments in your career?
Are they truly insurmountable, or are you holding yourself back? Discuss this with a trusted friend or your partner, and get their view.

4. Now you have remembered your career highlights, do not forget them!
In situations when you need confidence or a boost, spend five seconds remembering those times in your career when you excelled. Recreate in your mind and body how good it felt! This will inspire you to have confidence in yourself and to pursue greater career potential.

5. Set three objectives to help realise more career highs
Just three, and check in on them at Easter, in the new financial year and again in September. Maybe set one objective per trimester. Your objectives should seek to rebuild, or capture, outstanding career moments.