Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to gear up your career in the new year

A new year gives the opportunity to reflect on where we want to be and set strategies for achieving our potential.    The following tips don't take much time and will give high returns in putting you in control of your career and opening greater opportunities. 

Check your public profile
Google yourself. What comes up? Do the search results capture your achievements so that a search specialist, like me, will be able to find you for a position that matches your capabilities? If they do, well done and go to my next tip.

If your public profile does not showcase your potential, here's what to do. 

1. Create a profile. 
This should be on your staff page if you are at a university or college, or in an online community relevant to your specialisation, such as the following networks:

Also create a profile on LinkedIn 

Already have these profiles? Update them. 

My next post will cover more items for your career management new year's check up.

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