Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to perform better in job interviews

As part of my comprehensive candidate care, I offer interview preparation, an offer that is usually gratefully accepted. As a result, I help a lot of people prepare for their job interview. It is natural to anyone to be uncomfortable about the prospect of a job interview – even people who are recognised as leaders by their peers and who themselves sit on selection committees. People who think their reputation or their CV will do the work for them in interview can find themselves behaving like a possum in headlights in the interview. 

It is a given that prior to interview, you must research the organisation and position, dress appropriately and make arrangements to arrive punctually. Preparing how you will behave is key to presenting your best in the interview. Many people do not do this, so you may well give yourself a competitive advantage so that you are offered the job over the other candidates. 
How can you afford not to prepare, then?

In coming days I will post some tips that I know will help. 

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