Saturday, October 8, 2011

How to perform better in job interviews: good posture builds your confidence – and helps you breathe!

With good posture you will not only look and feel more assured – without looking overbearing – good posture will generally build your strength and flexibility, and help avoid back problems.

Imagine there is a string pulling up the top of your head. Put your shoulders back without puffing out your chest. Align a neutral spine. This helps you breathe more easily, so you can remain calm and focused in your interview, and good posture enhances your speaking voice. Pilates teaches you how to realign your body

How to perform better in job interviews: Other resources
If you are a few days before your interview, concentrate on these above preparation tips so you don’t bewilder yourself. 
If you have some more time, check out my interview tips bookmark stack on Delicious: 
And my company website: 
And please drop me a line to let me know what works well for you!

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